Fracção, 2013/2015
Fraction, 2013/2015 Chinese ink on paper, 18 (22 cm x 32) cm In several drawings done in other groups, the lines fall out of the paper sheet, marking the sheet underneath. After a while, that process forms a characteristic pattern of points and marks. These accidental drawings are side effects, echoes of a main action. This drawing is a fraction of other drawings. Fraction refers to this residual effect of other actions, such as the registration of an outer space beyond the conscious intention. The pattern formed by horizontal lines enhances the sense of code and written language, where each brand means a presence, a point in time. The various images allow the inscription of rhythmic variations, revealing differences in density of presences. As a musical notation, these drawings inspire the execution of tasks by applying an instruction code, or an encrypted message. On the whole, the spectator realizes intensities or varying states of activity and communication. As in other recent works, Fraction explores the idea of swarm or intermittent radiation in space. A residual radiation dispersed as the effect of parts of gestures gathered under a hidden foreground. (I) |